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Harvesting Junior Scholars 

This is a key year in the college planning process. You will begin taking standardized tests and should be narrowing down your college list.  High School juniors should begin to learn about financial aid. In addition, you’ll need to stay involved in your high school courses and activities.



  • Stay on track with your classes and grades. Meet with your counselor to see what you still need to take. Check on your class rank and your GPA. Even if your grades haven’t been that good so far, it’s never too late to improve. Colleges like to see an upward trend.

  • Begin to decide whether you want to pursue full-time employment, further education or training (such as a vocational-technical school, career college, or two-year or four-year college), or a military career. If you’re interested in attending a military academy, talk to your guidance counselor about starting the application process now.

  • If you are planning to attend college, make a college list. Your list of colleges should include schools that meet your most important criteria (for example, size, location, cost, academic majors, or special programs). 

  • Begin attending college fairs, attend college nights, and speak with college representatives who visit your high school

  • Brace yourself, you'll be a senior before you know it! 








Our students have been accepted to:

Stanford University, University of Georgia, Tulane University, Vanderbilt University, Emory University

The University of Alabama, Clemson University, Auburn University,

Georgia State University, Berry College, Mercer University, 

Tennessee State University, Dalton State College, Kennesaw State University

and many more...

Over 90% of our students have received merit and local scholarships!

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